
Chirripo BridgeThe Mission is a bridge. Our job is to connect people who have less with those who have more, in order to meet their needs in a holistic manner. Our name is ‘Voz Que Clama’ ‘Voice Crying’.  The Mission is a voice that announces the good news, education and peace to those who live with us and to our visitors.

A voice of one calling: “In the desert prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God”. Isaiah 40:3

We currently work with three populations: people in the town of Tuis de Turrialba, indigenous from the Chirrido Reservation and visitors from all over the world, especially from North America.


VickiThe Mission was born in the hearts of Missionaries, Hector Soto and Daniel Montoya. In 2002 they traveled to Canada to work in Christian churches helping to build ministries and sharing their music. The Lord called them to return to Costa Rica and open a project to help their own people and He showed them Turrialba as a place to start.

On August 22, 2002, they opened the doors of their house in Tuis de Turrialba to minister to children with puppets, games and other donations. Along with the children, came the parents and from there is where the great family of the Mission began to grow.

In 2005, Indigenous Pastors from the Cabecar group visited the Misión asking for help and since then the Mission has done extensive work with some communities in the reservation.

Finally, given the need for our visitors to speak Spanish to better help us and to provide finances for our projects, in 2006, the Mission opened the ‘Christian Immersion Spanish Academy’ to teach Spanish and Latin American culture.


SmilingThe Mission is a non profit organization in Costa Rica and is also backed by the ‘Voice of One Crying Mission’ 50c03 non profit status in the United States. The Board in the United States is made up of people who are very responsible, including Pastors who support and monitor the work in Costa Rica. Each year, Hector and Daniel visit the United States, especially to Sonoma county in California, to discuss the Mission at different churches.

People of the Mission

We dedicate this page to wonderful people who has supported the mission, and their and story.

April Binnie
CISA Program Coordinator

April & TonyApril Binnie is a Canadian who now makes Costa Rica her home. She first arrived here in February 2006, to help the VQC Mission for 2 months. Later that same year, on October 19, she came back with the intention of doing volunteer work with the Spanish school, CISA, for 1 year.

Within that year, to her delight and surprise, she was introduced to Tony Sanchez, the manager of the gym at the Graduate school, CATIE in Turrialba. That fall they became good friends and really enjoyed spending time together. Even despite language barriers, (April was still learning Spanish, and he spoke only basic English) they really connected and the story continued with a wedding being scheduled for October 12, 2007!

So what began as a year commitment in Costa Rica, in fact turned out to be indefinite! She prefers the style of living in Costa Rica, the people, the Mission, and so lives most happily with Tony in their newly built home located 5 minutes outside Tuis.

April continues to work at CISA as the Program Coordinator, but also works along side Tony with their expanding business of running several gymnasiums in Turrialba and in San Jose.

They both love and support the Mission, the work that they do with the Indigenous, and are always renewed by the weekly worship services.



Statement of Faith and Doctrine

We at Voz Que Clama Mission and CISA – Christian Immersion Spanish Academy, hold to the following essential articles of faith and doctrine:

  1. The Holy Bible in both the Old and New Testaments are the fully inspired and inerrant Word of God in the original autographs. We believe that God’s message has been faithfully communicated to us down to the present day.
  2. We believe that the Bible is our sufficient guide and life manual, providing us with God’s wisdom and principles for living according to the will of God.
  3. We believe that there is only one, true God, who manifests Himself in three distinct Persons as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the Creator, Lord, and Giver of Life. The Son is the Savior and Redeemer, and the full revelation of the Father to man. The Holy Spirit is the Helper, the Sanctifier, and the One who empowers those to whom the Father reveals Himself through the Son.
  4. We believe that the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth (Yeshua) is God’s Son and promised Messiah (Christ), Savior, and Redeemer come into the world, promised to God’s chosen people of Israel through the prophets. He is fully God and fully man, and lived a perfect life, fulfilling all the requirements of the Law of God.
  5. We believe that Jesus died a sacrificial death for the sins of all mankind on the cross, and that this sacrifice has fully atoned for all the consequences of mankind’s sins, both corporately and individually. We believe that nothing can or needs to be added to Christ’s sacrifice on the cross to ensure the salvation of anyone who comes to Him. We believe that God’s provision of salvation through the blood of Christ on the cross is full and free to all who will accept it, and that it is powerful to cleanse the believer from all sin, unite us with God, and to fully healthe spirit, soul, and body.
  6. We believe that Jesus rose bodily from death after three days in the tomb where He had been laid, that He is alive today in a glorified body, and returned to His Father in Heaven forty days after His resurrection. We believe that He will return to earth again to rule for a period of one thousand years, as He promised before His ascension. He now sits enthroned at His Father’s side, awaiting the time when He is to return according to His Father’s will.
  7. We believe that there is only one way to salvation, and that is through personal commitment and relationship with Jesus Christ. “There is no other name given among men by which men can be saved.” Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man (one) comes to the Father except through Me.”
  8. We believe that the Holy Spirit inhabits and gives eternal life to the spirit of every believer who confesses their sin to God, calls on Christ for salvation, seeks God’s forgiveness in Him, and accepts Christ as both Lord of his/her life and Savior. We also believe that the Person of the Holy Spirit makes each believer a new creation in Christ and empowers him/her to live as a Christian, transforming each of us into the image and likeness of Christ Himself.
  9. We believe in the full operation of all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in this age, and that all are necessary if the full expression of the life of the Body of Christ is to be seen in the world today. All believers are called upon to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. All believers are given one or more gifts of the Spirit in order to bless, encourage, and build the Body of Christ in the world today.
  10. We believe that God appoints people to function in a variety of ways in His Body. All are called upon to work together in unity to enable and equip the Body of Christ. Some of these functions are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, administrators, and helpers. There are others, especially as listed in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4:11.
  11. We believe that Christ’s body is above all a community, not an institution, nor a denomination. This community is built on relationships, first of each believer directly with God through Jesus Christ, then among the believers as they manifest God’s call to show Christ’s love for His Body in the way they love one another. Finally, the Body is called upon to love those who do not yet know Christ as their own Savior and Lord by serving them and sharing the Good News of salvation in Christ with them.
  12. We believe that God is the true Provider of all that we need, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and in material goods. “All good things come from God,” and we are to be thankful to Him at all times in all circumstances. “All things work together for good for those who are called by God.” God is most interested in seeing the image of His Son formed in His people, but He cares for us at all times and in every situation and will never leave us or abandon us.



Contact in Costa Rica

April Binnie
Apdo. 28-7150
Turrialba, Costa Rica
Phones: office +506-2531-3251
Cell: +506-8822-6752

Contact in the United States

Beverly Liberman
3326 Caminito Cabo Viejo
Del Mar CA 92014
Cell: (707) 290 6174

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